So I'm into my third week of school at Evergreen. Its ALOT of work - reading and writing - but I really do learn something every day in class. Evergreen's set up a bit different and they have what they call programs, not classes. The program I'm in is supposed to go all year, but I think I'm going to transfer into something else next quarter. Something more into math and teaching... I found one that I like that is actually a night class twice a week so we'll see how that works out.
Anyway - onto other news, Beckett has turned all into a 3-year old. Yes, I know we have a couple months yet, but his little attitude sure isn't waiting! Everthing we do now is "I do it myself" or "Beckett do it!" From filling the bathtub with water or getting food out of the fridge... Its alot to deal with on a daily basis! He's been in daycare since the first part of September and every morning is still a struggle to leave him. He screams and has learned "mama I need you" which breaks my heart every time I hear it. He has a great time in class and hates it when we have to leave but starting our day that way every day is a little wearing... Even now as I sit here on the couch getting ready for bed time, all I hear is whining and "no" and "I want..." Oh well, this too shall pass, right???
Everything else is going well I think. Abby is suffering through a cold that the rest of us had last week. God love daycare! The animals are good - Tag started Prozac which I think is a little funny since I've been on it for a few months now. Maybe we should try it for Beckett??? It really is quite the happy pill!
Anyway - I think thats it for now... Hopefully we'll update more sooner rather than later... TTFN.
Oh man, I totally hope you guys come someday to Des Moines...preferably when it's not cold and snowy :) And we know the phrase, "NO I'll do it!" Yikes!
Oh and I fully believe that the Buzz/"Race Car" undies help with the whole PL process! Seriously, I told him Buzz didn't like it when he peeped on him, and he hasn't peeped on a Buzz pair yet!
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