Thursday, September 04, 2008

I'm not very good at this...

So apparently once every couple weeks is as much as I can commit to updating this... Its been a busy few weeks though! We took the long Labor Day weekend and went camping out near the water north of Poulsbo. A very nice campground. We left Beckett with grandma Jane and Papa and took the dogs - we couldn't handle both! Everybody had a great time - although the dogs aren't quite as fond of being outside as one would think. Spike was thoroughly irritated that we were sleeping on the ground and just sat and shivered the first night... It was really very sad and pathetic.

We came home Sunday and got sort of unpacked only to get a phone call that our dear friends who were expecting a baby on the 10th or so started getting regular contractions. It was very exciting and little miss Lauren was born early Monday morning. We went and visited at the hospital and everybody was perfect and healthy! She decided to come early however so her parents were unable to make the trip to the airport to pick up Grandma and Grandpa from Australia so Beckett and I made the trip Tuesday afternoon. Everybody is at home and getting settled into life with a newborn and we're just overjoyed to be able to watch her change and grow. Even since we first saw her only a few short days ago she's changed.

Tonight we have Beckett's daycare orientation for the Evergreen Child Care Center that he will start at on Monday. He will go for a few weeks before I start at Evergreen on the 29th. We're very excited and I think it will be good for us all to start doing our own things for a change. It will certainly be different though to not be with Beckett every day all day!

I suppose thats up to date for now. Abby's home next week and we're going to try to get some of the projects that we've started this summer finished before school starts back up again. It will be nice to just be home and be together...

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